
Irish parliamentarians denounce maneuvers that seek to undermine the Cuba-EU PDCA and ask the E.U. High Representative for Foreign Affairs to support Ambassador Navarro´ demarche and the efforts to develop relations between the EU and Cuba

Dublin, 5 March, 2021

Dear Mr Borrell,

Following an unusual open letter from a group of 16 members of conservative parties in the European Parliament, you have recalled the EU Ambassador to Cuba, Alberto Navarro, to Brussels. These conservative politicians are even demanding the dismissal of Ambassador Navarro. But this destructive action is not surprising, because these politicians have already blocked a normalisation of the EU’s relations with Cuba in the past and have been trying to torpedo and block it ever since. They are practising nothing more than the worn out US administration policy playbook narrative. They themselves violate diplomatic principles and culture as well as the principles of the EU and the “Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement” with Cuba.

The 16 conservative MEPs criticise Ambassador Navarro in particular for calling for an end to the blockade against Cuba in a letter to the new US President Joe R. Biden signed by 790 personalities. The 16 claim that this is a “serious act of unfortunate and unpredictable behaviour regarding the defence of EU interests and values”.

But the 16 Conservative MEPs themselves seem to be ignorant of the EU’s interests and values. For criticism of the US blockade of Cuba, which is contrary to international law, and the associated sanctions has been the official position of the EU for decades. And it is clearly expressed every year in the votes in the UN General Assembly to abolish the US blockade policy.

In addition, a binding anti-blocking resolution was adopted by the European Commission in 1996, prohibiting companies in the EU from submitting to the US blockade and allowing them to be compensated. In addition, a “Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement” with Cuba has been in place since 2016, under which fruitful and forward-looking talks are being held.

And you yourself, Mr Borrell, have only recently once again condemned the US administration for tightening business and travel restrictions against Cuba, and the German government has also repeatedly expressed this, particularly because of the extraterritorial effects.

We therefore ask you to continue to support Ambassador Navarro in his efforts to improve the EU’s relations with Cuba, and to repel the ideological attacks against him. We wish you continued good luck in your efforts to implement the objectives and spirit of the “Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement with Cuba”!

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Pringle TD

Pat Buckley TD

Senator Paul Gavan

Pa Daly TD

Minister Malcolm Noonan

Matt Carthy TD

Mairead Farrell TD

Chris Andrews TD

Sean Crowe TD

Catherine Connolly TD

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