Declaration of the Martian institutions of Cuba
eclaration of the Martian institutions of Cuba
In the midst of the adverse circumstances that our country is experiencing, ravaged by a hurricane of great intensity and its subsequent damage, the already difficult daily life of Cubans has been extremely aggravated. It is not possible to ignore the devastating effects of the national and international economic crisis, the internal difficulties, the spiritual and material effects left by a pandemic of planetary proportions, the intensified blockade that lasts more than six decades and the permanent cultural and economic war. All of the above, with the addition of the recent meteor, is a breeding ground conducive to stress, to sow discouragement, indifference and hatred among our citizens.
The legacy of José Martí is the greatest cultural, ethical and political strength that Cuba has brought to humanity. No Cuban of good will, lover of his sovereign Homeland, remains indifferent to this paradigmatic example of integrity, wisdom, sense of duty and humanism. His vocation to serve the needy, his decision to cast his lot with the poor of the earth and to disdain all vanities and luxuries for the sake of the fulfillment of duty, must serve as a guide in the here and now, and why not, in every difficult moment that life puts us on the road.
May vacuous and selfish complaint not bitter or divide us. May profane and aggressive expressions not further lacerate our suffering society. The enemy does not cease, he continues his war of thought, and as Martí would say, we must win it by thought. If anything can save — and has saved — Cuba, it is unity, which is not the same as unanimity. We may not think exactly the same, but be whole patriots, worthy children, who will never risk the future of our independent nation, which is the same as renouncing our Cuban raigal. Let us not forget what the young Martí wrote, when he was just 20 years old, when he was first exiled in Spain: “Homeland is a community of interests, a unity of traditions, a unity of purposes, a sweet and consoling fusion of loves and hopes”.
It is time to think about creative work, to heal the wounds and compensate for the losses of the victims; it is time for the affectionate, hopeful, optimistic message. May each Martian get down to work, and contribute to the extent of the possibilities of each one. Human solidarity and generosity are part of our idiosyncrasies, of our day to day. Let us continue to exercise love for our fellow citizens and honor with devotion and pride the land in which we were born.
Martian Program Office, Centro de Estudios Martianos, Sociedad Cultural José Martí, Movimiento Juvenil Martiano, Casa Natal José Martí, Memorial José Martí, Fragua Martiana and Museo Finca El Abra
Havana, October 3, 2022