
The curious “defense of freedom. By Cristóbal León Campos

In recent months, we have witnessed at least two clear examples of what the West (meaning Capitalism as characterized by Roberto Fernandez Retamar) calls “defense of freedom of expression”.

At first, the acts of provocation and pro-imperialist propaganda carried out in Cuba through the self-appointed San Isidro Movement (MSI), which was called to dialogue and present its proposals for change and renewal in the Cuban artistic field, was unmasked by the lack of approaches and preferred to continue performing media shows as a mechanism to try without success accuse the Revolution of repression and dictatorship.

In a second more recent moment, some Cuban musicians such as Maykel Osorbo and El Funky together with Gente de Zona, launched a new provocation with the diffusion of a song called “Patria y Vida”, only now from Miami, Florida, a US location characterized for gathering the most fervent counterrevolutionary terrorists who for decades have carried out and financed with the help and consent of the imperialist governments an endless number of aggressions against the island. In one of its parts the lyrics of the song mention: “Let us no longer shout Patria y Muerte (?) but Patria y Vida” (Homeland and Life)

It is evident that just like the supposed “aesthetic proposals” of the San Isidro “movement”, the musicians attempt against the Cuban patriotic symbols and especially against those exalted by the Revolution, the phrase “Homeland or Death” (not “Homeland and Death”) expressed by Fidel Castro, not only marked the struggle of the Cuban people for their liberation and became a hymn of resistance to the aggressions of the U.S. Imperialism increased after the triumph of the Revolution in 1959, a stage that these musicians did not live from its origin, but the phrase marked and still marks thousands of millions of human beings who believe and fight from different trenches and parts of the world for the end of imperialism, capitalist oppression and all injustice.

Said in a way that these same musicians can understand, to renounce this phrase is not only to declare oneself against the Revolution, but also to declare oneself against all those of us in the world who in one way or another have defended their homeland and their people with pride, conscience and love in the face of any aggression. It is very curious that both counterrevolutionary manifestations speak of freedom looking towards the U.S. as their ideal, something that José Martí (whom they also deny) warned.

The links and financing they receive from U.S. Agencies and their collaboration with the organization of destabilizing attempts within Cuban society are well known, the reputation they have and aspire to enjoy is favored by criminal groups of true terrorists who have made several attempts on the lives of hundreds of Cubans; they pretend to speak of freedom when they are mere puppets of inhuman interests. But just as it has happened during more than sixty years of the Revolution, the people have known how to differentiate between just and proactive demands for the good of Cuba, and the hoaxes of groups such as those already mentioned.

It should also be noted that both groups of artists make no mention of the end of the economic and commercial blockade that has been attacking Cuba for more than 60 years and has become one of the most widespread crimes against humanity; they call for freedom, but invoke the arrival of imperialism, knowing the devastation it has caused in other nations; they say they will now speak of “Patria y Viva”, but wish for an invasion that would mean death and destruction.

The most curious thing is that when they have accused the Cuban government of repression, the people have not taken the streets in support of them, something that has happened with the recent repression and imprisonment of the Spanish rapper Pablo Hasél, which has awakened popular unrest in several cities of the old colonial power of the West, although of course, neither the pro-imperialist media nor the groups of artists who claim to fight “for freedom”, including those questioned here, have said anything to demand the freedom of Pablo Hasél and the end of the monarchy, neither the pro-imperialist media, nor the groups of artists who claim to fight “for freedom”, including those questioned here, have said anything to demand the freedom of Pablo Hasél and the end of the Spanish monarchy whose mere nominal and real existence is a clear aggression against true democracy and freedom.

source: Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

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